The Comprehensive Student-Athlete Development Platform

Through Pathways, athletic departments can streamline their current student-athlete development planning and programming, while ensuring their student-athletes receive the "big picture" support they need to succeed in their lives after graduation.

Pathways & Focus Areas

Set long-term goals and milestones that empower student-athletes to have agency over their growth.

Create plans for personal and professional growth or integrate your department's curricula into student's plans.
Track submissions
Completion milestones

Event Management

Plan and manage your department's event needs including: volunteering, career development, and personal advancement using curated and custom templates! Easily include details like maps, waivers, contact persons, logistics, and more!
Collect signups
Real-time attendance
Event Calendar
Community service      

More Features

Schedule Demo

Award Tracking

One central place to house university, department, or conference awards that are nonimated to student-athletes

Report Center

Track in real-time community engagement, completion milestones, and awards

Custom Attributes

Generate, capture, and report unique profile attributes relative to your institutional needs

Community Partners

Centrally manage community and career partners that you engage or schedule programming with